Short from Finnmark. Directed/music by LoboTom.
Animal Alpha studio documentary. Directed by LoboTom.
Animal Alpha studio documentary. Directed by LoboTom.
Animal Alpha studio documentary. Directed by LoboTom.
Ambivalentz_1. Animation by Lobotom.
"Oslo Plaza" by Yoga Fire. Official music video. Shot, edited and directed by Lobotom.
Making 0f…
Making of Sci-Fi Vikings illustration for Norwegian magazine Reiser & Ferie. From pencils to finished print.
Lauritz The Rascal™ - Episode 2 - "Everything else is just Noise" Video/Music by Lobotom.
*//Lauritz The Rascal™ - episode 1 - "Beach Bum Bogus" by Lobotom.
MR.GREEN by Lobotom.
Making of the "Opp Som En Konge" album by Yoga Fire minidoc. Shot, edited and Drum-Cam by LoboTom.
YOGA FIRE 2011 Norwegian tour minidoc from a drummers point of view. Shot, edited and directed by LoboTom.
Apoptygma Berzerk European 2011 Tour, seen from a drummer's point of view. Shot, edited & directed by LoboTom.
Apoptygma Berzerk European 2011 Tour part 2, seen from a drummer's point of view. Shot, edited & directed by LoboTom.