KeineMann vs. KleineMann by Lobotom is featured amongst other fine cartoonists such as Ronny Haugeland, Chris Stonehill and Inga Sætre in the newest comic book anthology Forresten#29 by Jippi Comics. Order your copy here
Keinemann vs. Kleinemann 2 by Lobotom is featured in the new comic book anthology Forresten#30 by Jippi Comics. Order your fresh copy right HERE
KeineMann vs. KleineMann by Lobotom is featured amongst other fine cartoonists such as Ronny Haugeland, Chris Stonehill and Inga Sætre in the newest comic book anthology Forresten#29 by Jippi Comics. Order your copy here
Keinemann vs. Kleinemann 2 by Lobotom is featured in the new comic book anthology Forresten#30 by Jippi Comics. Order your fresh copy right HERE